So you’re thinking of buying your first handgun. I can’t blame you with what’s happening around us. You’re not the only one. This site is dedicated to helping you find the right handgun. There are separate paths for men, seniors, and women.

I know you just want one gun………but if you do this wrong you will be buying two guns. How do I know? Because it happened to me. I took the advice of someone and it turned out to be bad advise for me. And it can come from anywhere….a well meaning friend, a gun store employee needing to sell inventory, or an over busy booth worker at a gun show. Don’t worry though, when you buy that second gun you will probably do it the right way. Or… will be doing this three times. If you’d like to save yourself these headaches then you will consider my plan to PICK THE RIGHT GUN THE FIRST TIME.

CLICK ON THE PICTURE THAT BEST REPRESENTS YOU………………..There is lots to enjoy on your journey.

First time handgun buyer - man
First time gun buyer - seniors
First time gun buyer - woman
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