This subject has certainly drawn controversy, especially among Concealed Carry Holders. Businesses don’t want open carry in their establishments for good reasons, and have posted 30.07 signs prohibiting open carry. And while they were at the print shop I’m sure they offered a second sign at a deal price for a 30.06 sign prohibiting concealed carry. So many opted for both signs. This all began in January of 2017 when open carry became legal here in Texas.

All of a sudden there were places I and many others were no longer welcome. We had to start a quiet campaign of telling those businesses that we would no longer be shopping or eating there because of their 30.06 signs. And……..we would be lobbying our friends to do the same. That prompted conversations with those businesses that, after 16 months, has eventually led to most 30.06 signs being removed. Now as I travel around the metroplex I rarely see 30.06 signs except at hospitals, etc.

Don’t get me wrong, I respect the rights of those wanting to open carry. Most think they are putting bad guys on notice. I believe their notice goes way beyond that. Here’s why.

  • Open Carriers become targets for bad guys who want their weapon and possessions. It is already happening.
  • Open Carriers give the wrong impression to the general public. The public does not know what to think. The Open Carrier could be a bad guy, or an unstable person. Who knows?
  • A Concealed Carrier does not give bad impressions, unless they’re sloppy about carrying. In general, they are quiet until they are needed. They are an asset to businesses.
  • Open Carry in Alaska, Wyoming or Montana is certainly appropriate because of the animal dangers present there, but not in urban and suburban communities. Out on a farm or ranch it’s a different story.

Regardless of the open carry laws we all need to use our heads. The good news is in the last 16 months I’ve only seen three people open carry. Amen to that.

I do believe the majority of people are using discretion and are letting cooler heads prevail.

In friendship and service,

Tom (TR) Ryan

Handgun Concierge - Tom Ryan

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