I’ve tried to select appropriate videos for you to learn from, and in choosing have found a number of video creators that are really good. They are smart, present well, and know their handguns, holsters, etc.

Some of these video creators have their own YouTube channel and are sometimes worthy of your watching more videos from them.

Here’s how to subscribe to their channel………….On your laptop scroll down a little below the video and you will see SUBSCRIBE. Click on that and then you’ll have to sign into Google. Of course you do. Google owns YouTube. Anyway, that’s what you do. Then you can gain access to all videos on that channel.

On my iPad it appears differently. I don’t see the word SUBSCRIBE. However there is a small inverted arrow just below the right hand corner of the video. Click on that arrow and SUBSCRIBE will appear on the left side below the video.

And that my friends is how you subscribe to someone’s YouTube channel.

In friendship and service,

Tom (TR) Ryan

Handgun Concierge - Tom Ryan

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