The Handgun Road Less Traveled

The Handgun Road Less Traveled

Ah yes………..the road less traveled. When it comes to buying your first handgun the road less traveled will yield the greatest results.Have you ever been to a gun show? If so then you are familiar with the hustle and bustle. If you pay attention to the...
Handgun Buying Considerations

Handgun Buying Considerations

Everything in life has Keys To Success. Used wisely success will prevail. Not used wisely and  the results are not so good. And so it is with buying your first handgun.Use this list of considerations to guide your thoughts as you prepare to buy your first...
Concealed Carry vs Open Carry

Concealed Carry vs Open Carry

This subject has certainly drawn controversy, especially among Concealed Carry Holders. Businesses don’t want open carry in their establishments for good reasons, and have posted 30.07 signs prohibiting open carry. And while they were at the print shop I’m...
YouTube Videos You Like

YouTube Videos You Like

I’ve tried to select appropriate videos for you to learn from, and in choosing have found a number of video creators that are really good. They are smart, present well, and know their handguns, holsters, etc.Some of these video creators have their own YouTube...
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