First time handgun buyer - man



The most important thing to learn is GUN SAFETY. Here it is. Commit these to memory and practice. Lives depend on it. That’s why it is a prerequisite to even watching the first video…….

1. Treat ALL firearms as if they were loaded.
2. DO NOT point at or cover anything with the muzzle until ready to shoot.
3. Keep your trigger finger off the trigger and outside the trigger guard until ready to shoot.
4. Be certain of your target and your line of fire.

I’m reminded by my friend Jimmy “that it is best and safest to always have your handgun pointing in a direction where there aren’t any people. Never accidentally point the gun in the direction of anyone. There are many near accidents every year so this is extremely important. Treat every gun as if it was loaded. Knowing how to handle a gun correctly and respectfully is the key to gun ownership.”  Thank you Jimmy.

LAST – safe and secure storage of your firearm is one of your most important responsibilities. It is a full-time responsibility. You must always secure your firearm and ammunition so that they are not accessible to children or other unauthorized persons.

Before we head down this road I need to make one thing clear…….this site is about handguns, NOT RIFLES OR SHOTGUNS.

Here’s a summary of the process I’ll take you through:

  1. Learn the difference between revolvers and semi-automatic handguns.
  2. Learn the difference between hammer fired and striker fired handguns.
  3. Learn the difference between handguns with safeties and handguns with decockers and handguns with neither.
  4. Learn about handgun calibers and how it affects handgun size, weight, and concealability.
  5. Learn why the right handgun is different for men, women, and seniors.
  6. Learn about concealed carry and how it affects handgun selection.
  7. Learn the seven considerations that govern the purchase of a handgun.
  8. Learn the considerations of how to buy a used handgun

This might seem overwhelming, but it is not. I have lots of videos that will answer all your questions and prepare you to make the right handgun selection for you.

Surprisingly, it won’t take but a couple video sittings. Then you’ll be ready for the FUN PHASE…….hands on testing. The process works. Let it guide your purchase so you don’t end up buying two, or even three guns. Becca and Randy did.

(If your new to web sites the text in blue is usually clickable and will take you to a video for viewing.)



Handgun Concierge - Becca and Randy


Let me tell you what happened to Becca and Randy. They owned a small coffee shop along the Gulf Coast, and they were doing very well. So well in fact that some bad guy noticed and one day around closing stole the day’s receipts. They were pretty upset and Becca was really frightened.

They wanted to be in a position to prevent this from happening again. Neither had any experience with guns or how to defend against this situation. They found Handgun Concierge and started the process. As I tell you the story you’ll find vids to see what they selected and why.

So this doesn’t become the never ending story I’ll hit the high lights for you. They had unique requirements for owning and carrying a handgun. Their work attire was very casual. T-shirts, shorts and sandals. Sometimes the shorts only had string ties. They went through the Handgun Concierge process separately because of their concealed carry needs.

Becca is tiny and wanted a small gun that she could conceal without a traditional holster. She boiled it down to two guns. A Taurus Curve and a Ruger LCP II.

The Curve fit the bill because it came with a built-in clip holster and trigger guard. The Ruger LCP also fit the bill but did not have the clip or guard. Both guns are .380 ACP. Becca tried both at a local range that rented guns. Both guns fit her hand ergonomically but she decided against the Curve with its bells and whistles and opted for the LCP II for one reason. She found the Trigger on the LCP II to be superior. Becca’s final step of range comparison enabled her to select the best gun for her needs. I know what you’re thinking……. The LCP didn’t come with the bells and whistles. That’s true but she bought those accessories from Techna Clip and Aegis Armory Guardian. Problem solved. After getting her CCL Becca now carries daily and no one knows the difference.

Randy’s needs for a handgun differed somewhat, although his work attire was the same. He needed a gun with more punch, which brought about special concerns for the holster and how much a larger gun would outline through his clothes. After Randy went through the process he narrowed it down to two guns, both 40 Caliber. The Smith & Wesson M&P Shield and the Springfield Armory XD Subcompact. Both are compact guns with lots of power and very good ergonomics. After a trip to the range his decision was made. Once again the deciding factor came down to…….you guessed it…..the trigger. With the gun selection out of the way Randy set out to find a holster that best concealed his 40 Caliber. And he found it; the Urban Carry g2. This holster proved perfect for his loose fitting clothes. Randy also got his CCL.

Randy and Becca now feel empowered and much safer at their business and personal life. Both have become committed to daily concealed carry.




EAA Witness - Handgun Concierge

I have personally taken many clients through the process of buying their first handgun. Most clients end up finding 2-3 handguns, any of which that could be their best first handgun purchase. The process works.


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